Our first steps ...

Let´s begin our journey ...

Phonics Alphabet

The Alphabet


Days of the month rhyme

I you he she we they (personal pronouns)

I am, you are, he is happy
by Richard Graham

I am hungry.
I am hungry.
You are hungry.
You are hungry.
He is hungry.
He is hungry.
She is hungry.
She is hungry.

We are hungry.
We are hungry.
They are hungry.
They are hungry.
Everybody is hungry.

I am thirsty.
I am thirsty.
You are thirsty.
You are thirsty.
He is thirsty.
He is thirsty.
She is thirsty.
She is thirsty.

We are thirsty.
We are thirsty.
They are thirsty.
They are thirsty.
Everybody is thirsty.

I am happy.
I am happy.
You are happy.
You are happy.
He is happy.
He is happy.
She is happy.
She is happy.

We are happy.
We are happy.
They are happy.
They are happy.
Everybody is happy.
Everybody is happy.

Verbs - practice

Verb Tenses
Present Simpple versus Past Simple - irregular verbs
Present Simple and Past Simple - to be
Present Simple versus Past Simple
Simple Past versus Present Perfect
Past Simple and Present Perfect
Simple Past or Present Perfect -exercise
Past Simple and Present Perfect - quiz


Sports vocabulary


weather expressions

12 - weather CC from mmmarzio on Vimeo.

Weather and indefinite pronouns

